Gaining the Edge: How DORA Qualifications Empower Professionals in the Digital Operational Resilience Era

In today’s interconnected, increasingly digital world, the security of organisations and personal information is paramount. With the growing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, governments and organisations must take proactive measures to protect against these risks. That’s where the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) comes into play.

Implemented by the European Union with an effective date of 17 January 2025, DORA is a visionary regulatory framework aimed at bolstering the digital operational resilience of financial-sector organisations and their third-party ICT providers. The Act also aims to mitigate the impact of cyber security threats and reduce the likelihood of security negligence by introducing stringent unified standards.

DORA promotes ongoing compliance as the key focus. Through effective information security practices, organisations can protect sensitive information to reduce the likelihood of disruptions. Complying with DORA safeguards the interests of individuals and organisations, and boosts consumer trust and confidence in the digital landscape.

To comply with DORA, organisations need qualified staff, either by upskilling existing employees or hiring candidates with experience in information security, risk and compliance. IBITGQ’s first-to-market DORA qualifications are at the forefront of this Regulation. By gaining professional IBITGQ DORA credentials, staff can enhance their knowledge, skills and expertise in digital operational resilience.

In this article, we will delve into the details of the Act, and the,benefits of DORA certifications, including career opportunities, industry recognition and personal growth. We will also explain how IBITGQ can help you with the qualification process.

Keep reading as we unlock the tremendous boost IBITGQ DORA qualifications can give your career.

A summary of DORA

DORA defines a compulsory and comprehensive ICT risk management framework that complements existing laws and establishes unified technical standards that must be implemented before 17 January 2025. Its objective is to ensure that financial entities in the EU, along with their critical ICT service providers, have the capabilities and resources to mitigate information and cyber security threats to avoid operational disruptions and security faults because of human and procedural errors.

The principal part of the Act is Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 on digital operational resilience for the financial sector.

This sets out requirements covering five critical areas:

ICT risk management framework: DORA emphasises the need to establish an internal governance and control framework for ICT, and to appoint a management body to coordinate and implement ICT risk management measures.

ICT-related incident management, classification and reporting: The Regulation provides a streamlined approach to incident management and reporting. This requirement ensures disruptions are managed quickly and effectively while minimising the impact on clients and the wider business.

Digital operational resilience testing: Financial entities are required to implement rigorous testing plans to ensure and provide evidence of digital operational resilience. In some cases, this may involve advanced penetration testing, which may need to be conducted every three years.

Third-party ICT risk management: DORA defines principle-based rules for monitoring risks related to outsourced tasks. Outsourcing agreements must comply with minimum contracting requirements, which are outlined in the full text of the Regulation.

Information sharing: The Regulation permits financial entities to share information, which has many benefits, such as creating awareness of threats and improving defensive and detection techniques.

The Regulation also establishes:

  • Rules for a supervisory framework for critical ICT third-party service providers when providing services to financial entities; and
  • Rules on cooperation among supervisory authorities, and on supervision and enforcement.

Why are DORA certifications essential for success?

IBITGQ’s DORA qualifications offer professionals aiming to enter both data and financial environments an opportunity to assert their knowledge and skills with a focus on risk management, incident response, threat assessments and overall business resilience.

The main benefits of a DORA qualification are:

Increased knowledge and skills: DORA qualifications cover a range of knowledge requirements, from foundational to expert. They enhance your knowledge of a complex regulation while teaching you how to apply and integrate DORA-specific practices.

Continued professional development: Achieving one or more DORA qualifications earns you CPD points, thus contributing to your professional development and making you more marketable.

Career advancement: Achieving a DORA qualification can distinguish you as knowledgeable in or an expert on DORA requirements and practices. DORA qualifications also provide opportunities for career advancement in the financial and related sectors.

Critical thinking: DORA qualifications prove that you can conduct an objective analysis to make an informed decision, allowing you to confidently address risk assessments, incident response and potential threats at the highest standard.

Network development: DORA qualifications expose you to like-minded peers and experts within the fields of IT governance, data protection and cyber security. This is valuable for shared learning and initiatives, collaboration, and maintaining knowledge of industry and regulatory trends.

Integrity and security: A DORA qualification demonstrates a commitment to your organisation’s security and a willingness to contribute to a safer cyber environment. You will be perceived as having a certain level of integrity, which is also beneficial to the organisation when building an information security team.

Related frameworks: Achieving a DORA qualification can provide a platform to explore additional areas of learning such as information security, cyber security, data security and business continuity.

Qualifications are mapped to the theoretical teachings and practice of the Act, enabling staff to integrate the requirements of a complex regulation into the organisation’s operations.

Achieving a DORA qualification from IBITGQ

IBITGQ DORA qualifications range from basic, foundational understanding to the expertise required of directors.

Qualifications comprise:
Certified DORA Foundation (C DORA F)
Certified DORA Practitioner (C DORA P)
Certified DORA Lead Auditor (C DORA LA)
Certified DORA Compliance Officer (C DORA CO)
Certified DORA Risk Director (C DORA RD)

There are two routes to achieving DORA qualifications. A candidate can take training provided by an accredited training organisation (ATO), which will lead to the exam. Alternatively, they can purchase an exam voucher, which is valid for a specific period, and take an exam administered by an IBITGQ exam provider.

With the deadline of 17 January 2025 approaching, people who align themselves with the requirements of the mandatory framework will benefit substantially. Embrace this new legislation and become a pioneer within the data environment.